In this short episode, I want to inspire you with a few ideas to create your own memories of the Jubilee Weekend. Capture the details, the community spirit and the cakes. And create your own time capsule of memories.
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Hello everyone. And welcome to the Photographs in the Shoebox Podcast with me, Sue Kennedy. Today we are talking about creating Jubilee memories, not so much from the past, but considering how we can record the current occasion, for future generations.
Time Capsule
Think of it like creating a digital time capsule of the bank holiday weekend, it’s a piece of social history and, and I want to record that as much as for myself, but also for my daughter for when she’s older and for any children that she may go on to have, although that’s a scary thought when she’s still only 13, but, you know, time does march on. So it is worth considering the future, I believe with these creating these memories.
Where we live, a neighbour has organised for us all to make red whites and blue pom poms to decorate, the trees on the communal patch of grass in front of all the houses. I think we’re decorating those trees and we’re gonna have a little street party. There are only five houses, so it’ll be a very small gathering. But I suspect that’s gonna be replicated around the country. Memories will be created within the communities. So it’s worthwhile going out with your camera and just capturing that.
Each of the villages around us is doing something slightly different to mark the Jubilee. Although they all seem to have cake in common and gather people together. It will be about capturing the spirit of the celebrations.
I don’t particularly have a list of photographs that I know I want to take. Just a list of ideas. It’s a bit like a family holiday. I think the difference with the Jubilee is there will be other details to photograph, like the headlines in the papers.
The decorations, you know, we’re not gonna make red, white and blue pom-poms again, any time soon. So, and I’m sure we will see, some people dressing up, it’s the details of the cakes and, and the little, buffets that I guess will all be having as we gather. I enjoy looking back at memories and so I want to create that for my future self to enjoy if that makes sense. So depending on when you listen to this, I will have either achieved that, or not. What I’m looking to do is obviously create a collection of memories, but then I will be looking for that one defining photo that sums each day up for me, and that will go into my, journal, which is just a collection of photographs for me.

It is up to us how we tell the story of this event. Just like we do for any other special occasion. Happily, the Jubilee bank holiday falls on my birthday. So mine will have a mixture of birthday celebrations in as well. I was quite delighted when they announced a bank holiday for my birthday. I wish we could have that every year. It’d be lovely!
I’m gonna keep it short this week. So that’s all for this episode. Hope you’ve enjoyed listening along. I hope you enjoy your bank holiday weekend. Do give the podcast a like, and a follow on your preferred player.

About Your Podcast Host – Sue Kennedy of Sue Kennedy Photography
Sue is a professional portrait photographer based in Harlow, Essex and she specialises in baby, child and family portraiture. Being a parent, she understands just how special your child is to you and her aim is to produce a collection of images that are natural and meaningful to your family. No two moments are ever the same and she wants to perfectly capture those early precious memories and the natural character of your child.
For more information please call 01279 433392, or visit the Sue Kennedy Photography website.
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