What do old photos mean to you?

This podcast aims to encourage you to cherish your own photographs knowing that they will be and can be enjoyed by the next generation, as well as now.

I hope to inspire you to preserve your memories and will be sharing ideas on how to do that, plus inviting guests to share their stories behind a treasured photograph.

I’ve been a family photographer for nearly 20 years at my portrait studio in Harlow, Essex, plus wife, daughter, and mother to a tween, so I’ve seen all angles of why photographs are important in our lives.

As a daughter discovering old family photographs and being unable to find out who most of them are (I can only guess), to my own daughter enjoying her baby photos and other family photos I want to inspire you to take those everyday photos with the camera you always have with you (your phone), and preserve what you have.

It’s about happy memories, and your legacy, and as a bonus studies have shown having photos of your family around the house boosts your children’s self-esteem – so keep updating!

Scroll down to see past episodes, and access the podcast show notes & recordings.

Portrait of baby photographer Sue Kennedy
Episode 002 – The Lost Century of Images

Episode 002 – The Lost Century of Images

Today, we're talking about the lost century of images. It's a phrase I first heard about six years ago at a trade show, and I think it's probably become true. What I tend to find is that most photographs we take nowadays are just not printed. They're not stored anywhere else but on the device, they're taken on, so when the technology breaks, expires, or is lost, those pictures are gone forever....

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Episode 001 – The ShoeBox Relatives

Episode 001 – The ShoeBox Relatives

This episode is all about 'The shoe box relatives'. Essentially old family photos are stored in a box. We’ve all got them …. I hope... Sometimes they go back 2 or 3 generations. Some are more contemporary. What will our relatives discover in the loft in 20 years' time? Does this digital era mean we have already lost the photos of the future? Episode Transcription for the Shoebox Relatives Hello,...

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Episode 000 – Trailer

Episode 000 – Trailer

Welcome to Photographs in a Shoebox Podcast with Sue Kennedy I've been a family photographer for nearly 20 years, plus wife, daughter, and mother to a tween, so I've seen all angles of why photographs are important in our lives. I am really excited to encourage you to preserve your memories and will be sharing ideas on how to do that, plus inviting guests to share their stories behind a...

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