What do old photos mean to you?
This podcast aims to encourage you to cherish your own photographs knowing that they will be and can be enjoyed by the next generation, as well as now.
I hope to inspire you to preserve your memories and will be sharing ideas on how to do that, plus inviting guests to share their stories behind a treasured photograph.
I’ve been a family photographer for nearly 20 years at my portrait studio in Harlow, Essex, plus wife, daughter, and mother to a tween, so I’ve seen all angles of why photographs are important in our lives.
As a daughter discovering old family photographs and being unable to find out who most of them are (I can only guess), to my own daughter enjoying her baby photos and other family photos I want to inspire you to take those everyday photos with the camera you always have with you (your phone), and preserve what you have.
It’s about happy memories, and your legacy, and as a bonus studies have shown having photos of your family around the house boosts your children’s self-esteem – so keep updating!
Scroll down to see past episodes, and access the podcast show notes & recordings.

Episode 047: When do babies recognise their parents?
In this episode whilst I would normally encourage you to take photos of your children for you & them to enjoy later in life. In this episode, I'm exploring when your baby first recognises you, and themselves in the mirror. Still a unique milestone to capture a photograph of. Listen Here: Or Read the Podcast Transcript: Today, I thought I would sidestep into this topic: When do babies...

Episode 046: Parents – Photograph What You See
Parents, can I encourage you to photograph what you see? It's a style of photography that professional photographers call lifestyle photography, and put simply it's about capturing the natural moment, unstaged, and possibly with a hint of humour, fun or cheekiness thrown in too, What's not to like? Listen to the full episode here: Or read the podcast transcript here: Today, I wanted to walk...

Episode 045: Smartphone or Professional Photos?
In this episode, I explore the advantages and disadvantages of using a smartphone camera for photographs as opposed to planning a portrait session with a professional photographer. Listen below or by following Photographs in a Shoebox on your preferred podcast player. Listen Here: Read the Podcast Transcript: Should your choose between smartphone pictures and professional photos, or is a mix of...

Episode 044: Creating Jubilee Memories
In this short episode, I want to inspire you with a few ideas to create your own memories of the Jubilee Weekend. Capture the details, the community spirit and the cakes. And create your own time capsule of memories. Listen to the full episode here: Read the Podcast Transcript: Hello everyone. And welcome to the Photographs in the Shoebox Podcast with me, Sue Kennedy. Today we are talking about...

Episode 043: Why Bother with Photos?
What makes you take a photo? What is your why? In this episode, I explore a few examples of why you should bother with photos. Listen to the full podcast episode here: Read a transcript of the podcast: Hello, and welcome to the Photographs in a Shoebox Podcast with me, Sue Kennedy. In today's episode, I wanted to chat through the question of why bother with photographs? Why is taking photos so...

Episode 042: Are You the Invisible Mother in Family Photos?
Are you guilty of being an invisible mother in family photos? I am yet to meet a Mum that truly looks forward to being in photographs with their children, but I have met a few who recognise it's important to exist in some family photos and others who still need persuading. I always think it is better to have taken it, than regret it in 10, or 20 years' time. As the memories fade from our heads,...

Episode 041: Six month Baby Photoshoot
In this episode, I cover picture ideas for a 6 month baby photoshoot at home. It’s my favourite age to photograph in the studio as they are very expressive, but at home, you have a great opportunity to capture moments more frequently. Have fun, and experiment with different angles. As ever print the ones you love. Listen to the Podcast: Read the podcast transcript: Hello, and welcome to...

Episode 040: Photographing Your Toddler
In this episode, I cover the 'how' and 'what to wear' elements as these tend to be at the forefront of a parent's mind when photographing their own toddler. This is a phase of childhood which is both unpredictable and busy, which is why you should always be camera ready to capture that beautiful memory that'll make you smile in 20 years time. I love to hear your thoughts and experiences of...

Episode 039: Capturing Childhood Memories
Capturing childhood memories starting with toddler photography You've survived the baby days, and now the busyness of toddlerhood is upon you. In this episode, I talk through some ideas on capturing those memories, so that you’ll have photos to share at their 18th birthday to bring back happy memories. Listen to the Podcast Here: Read the Transcript of the Podcast: Hello, and welcome to the...
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