Great question, short answer yes! Older newborn photography existed before newborn photography became a thing. I get it, you blinked – and all of a sudden your baby is two weeks old. And everywhere you look, baby photographers say they will only take photos of your baby when they’re less than two weeks old.
So what do you do?
“It is still possible to create beautiful photographs of your baby after two weeks.”
Now you’re thinking, you’ve missed out on the chance to have some beautiful portraits of your new baby – another thing to add to your new parent guilt!
But the truth is, actually, you might not have.
Why do newborn photographers place emphasis on the two week window?
So why do most photographers prefer to photograph baby portraits before the two week mark?
Well, from experience, it’s an optimal time to pose your baby in newborn photography. They’re still quite calm, adjusting to life outside the womb as if they were still in it. They spend more of their time in foetal position. And this makes it comfortable for family photographers like me to capture them in the many different newborn poses.
After those first two weeks is when baby starts stretching their limbs, and opening their eyes for longer periods of time to take in the world around them. Not to mention, they will be more awake and alert and, therefore, less… shall we say… ‘pliable’ than if it were in the first two weeks.
This is why some photographers insist (and most others recommend) that they do photograph your baby within those first two weeks.
Can you can still get beautiful newborn photographs after two weeks?
Yes, absolutely! With that said, it is still possible to create beautiful photographs of your baby after two weeks. Older newborn photography has been around longer than newborn photography, we just called it photographing baby 🙂
And that’s why family photographers like myself will arrange portrait sessions to photograph older newborn babies.
Now, if you’re booking a photoshoot with a photographer and your baby is more than two weeks old, we will likely walk you through what to expect.
“Babies can’t get less cute after two weeks, now can they?”
We may not be able to complete all the cute sleepy curled up poses you had in mind. We may also have to discuss keep your baby wrapped for more of the shoot if they’re very alert. We will probably have more photos of baby awake than asleep.
But no matter what, the final photographs will still be beautiful – babies can’t get less cute after two weeks, now can they?
Plus you’ll still get treasured images to look back at those early weeks of baby’s life.
How best to choose a older newborn baby photographer after the two week mark?
If it’s after the two-week mark for baby, I recommend picking up the phone to any photographer you want to work with and asking them if they offer older newborn photography.
All photographers are going to say on their website, myself included, that the best time to photograph your baby was in those first two weeks. But you can always pick up the phone and call us to figure out whether a photographer can adapt to your specific situation and your baby’s development stage.
For instance, I offer a Baby Mileston Plan membership to capture three stages from your child’s first year, typically at 4 months old, 8 months old and a year old, but that is flexible. So I’m perfectly comfortable photographing a newborn well after the two week mark. But it really depends on the photographer.
Many newborn photographers will probably take photos of your baby at three or even four weeks – but you’ll probably find that there are very few that would go beyond that.
Older Newborn Photography – A baby photography session at three months
Another way I propose for clients who are worried about missing the two week mark is to have baby photographed at three to four months old instead.
Three months is a wonderful age for baby photographs. At this stage, most babies are smiling or engaging with you and interacting with you as you talk to them. They’re also much more settled once you’ve passed that 12 week mark.
Even though they’re not the ‘fresh’ baby photos that you may have hoped to send to family members or frame on your walls, three months is a really nice time to arrange a baby portrait shoot, too.
So if you’re looking for a newborn photographer and your baby’s more than two weeks old, don’t worry! You definitely have options. Please let me know which one you decide on in the comments section.
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Learn more about my baby photography photoshoots
You may also enjoy podcast episode 34 “I missed out on newborn photos” or podcast episode 25 ‘Baby Memories – The first 400 days.

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About the photographer: Sue is a professional portrait photographer based in Harlow, Essex and she specialises in baby and child portraiture. Being a parent, she understands just how special your child is to you and her aim is to produce a collection of images that are natural and meaningful to your family. No two moments are ever the same and she wants to perfectly capture those early precious memories and the natural character of your child. For more information please call 01279 433392, or visit the Sue Kennedy Photography website.